Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, March 3, 2025

All Those Who Are Stragglers Need Help, Clarity, My Words Are of Help to All of Them, So My Children Spread My Messages by Testifying That You Believe in Them

Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and Saint John the Apostle to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on March 2, 2025, First Sunday of the Month


My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am the one who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty the Holy Trinity is in your midst. Honor the Holy Trinity with your heart, with your mind, with your behavior, with your thoughts, the Holy Trinity guides your life, no one can do without it. Sin turns you away from the Holy Trinity, pride, selfishness, hatred, avarice, all of these turn you away from the love of My Son Jesus who came into the world to teach everyone about true love, the love that always forgives. By dying on the cross and forgiving His executioners, He showed humanity that everything can be forgiven, lower your pride, soon the mighty ones of this world will kneel before the power of God the Father Almighty, the guidance is in your hearts. John Paul II was the last Pope enlightened and guided by the Holy Spirit, He was the mercy for the world, many understood him and still pray to him, still follow him. All those who are stragglers need help, clarity, My words are of help to all of them, so My children spread My messages by testifying that you believe in them, because soon many things will change in the world, things concerning the climate, nature, many rules of this world will be annihilated. The Third Secret of Fatima is the guide to achieve salvation, many still criticize it, but soon many things will be confirmed before their eyes, all the ambiguities that have happened in the Vatican will be openly unmasked, because nothing can remain hidden, those who have allowed themselves to be deceived, many will repent and the mercy of God the Father Almighty will welcome them, but those who by their own will want to continue teaching and committing sins themselves will be punished, because God the Father Almighty is giving great possibilities to all indiscriminately, because My Son Jesus, the Son of God, died for all indiscriminately good and bad.

My Son Jesus has passed on His teachings through His Apostles, the Apostle John has known many mysteries about the Holy Trinity, He will speak to the whole world of the Apocalypse, explaining everything that the world does not make you understand, even today He wishes to speak to the world.

My children, Apostle John lived quite a while with Me in this world, together with My daughter Mary Magdalene, she too will soon speak to the whole world about Her Master who led her to salvation.

The Apostle John is here, and today will be the beginning of His revelations.


Brothers, sisters, I am John the Apostle of Christ, the Father has sent me to help souls be converted, to open their hearts to the love of Our Brother Jesus. Brethren, be careful, because the Mercy of God has a limit, He is waiting for you but none of you listen to His voice by sinning all the time. Revelation is for purifying the world, but you pretend not to understand so that you do not give up your sins, things are about to change, very soon you will have to ask God for help, because with your sins you are going to face great punishments that will shock you, they will make you kneel down, that is why I say to you, open your eyes and heart by praying, so that the Father will give you His immense mercy, do not fear because all this will happen with great power.

Brothers, all I am telling you are warnings given to us by Our brother Jesus in our time, He together with Mary held our faith firm, so that evil could not succeed, so that we could proclaim to the world that Jesus is alive, that Jesus has saved the world, that Jesus never leaves us.

Brothers, humbly accept this immense help, pray much, much with your hearts, so that many souls with the help of your prayers may climb the mountain to reach Heaven, the Kingdom of God.

I love you brothers and sisters.


My children, the Apostle John's messages will be a warning to the world, be ready, Heaven does not rebuke you, but warns you, have faith, so much faith, because the Holy Trinity loves you, loves the whole world and wants to save everyone, but salvation depends on your will.

My children, I love you, I love you, from this place Oliveto Citra, I will open My arms as I never did, to welcome and embrace all those who will believe until the end.

Now I must leave you, give you a kiss and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.